Escape From CTT …DON’T PANIC;)

It’s another great day at camp! The morning started by welcoming an awesome group of Explorers campers to experience camp in action for an overnight.  18 of them, in fact. WOWEEE. They are having the best time! We have amazing counselors who can’t be here all summer but who are beloved members of our CTT family come help us, and it’s always great to see so many new and familiar Timber Tops faces.

The most welcomed visitor of the day, though, was the sun! There was a totally bizarre, 20 minutes or so of rain, but the rest of the day has been absolutely gorgeous. In addition to it being “Space Saturday” (as decided by the CAs), the day was filled with action-packed activities like “canteen art,” play practice, gymnastics competition practice, sticker trades, jibbit trades, mountain biking, scented candle-making, high zip-lining, flag football, wibit hopping, and so much more!

Tonight, the evening program is the HIGHLY anticipated ESCAPE FROM CTT! In “Escape,” as its nicknamed, campers are placed in pairs (one junior camper and one senior camper in each group) and must complete a list of activities around camp (think shooting a basketball, kayaking around a buoy in the lake, doing forward rolls in gymnastics, etc.). The first 10 pairs to complete their checklist “ESCAPE” camp and head out for soft ice cream. But wait- there’s a catch. While your happy campers are scampering around camp trying to “Escape from CTT,” there are “powder puffs” (counselors stationed around camp trying to whack kids with a sock filled of corn starch) trying to freeze kids who can only be unfrozen by “hydro helpers,” (counselors who squirt frozen campers with water toys)! It’s hard to explain, but you get the gist: it’s going to be an AWESOME night under the Greeley stars.

That’s all for now, readers! Tune in tomorrow for more Timber Talk!

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