Pioneer Days: Day 1

Here’s what today looks like for the first day of Pioneer Days 2017! Information on the break coming later (with videos!)

PIONEER DAYS: Day 1 Saturday, August 5th, 2017

7:45 CAs wake up campers
8:10 Junior breakfast; Senior clean up
8:40 Line-up
8:50 Junior clean up; Senior breakfast
9:00 Captains meeting in the dining hall

9:25 Team meetings:
Select participants for:
Jug band, upper field activities , dance, cheer, song, banner, meal, barbershop quartet, camp site, totem pole, freeze frame, hat, tall tale, props

10:30 Meet at the Upper Field for the upper field relay races and activities!
Be ready to participate and cheer!
** Each team bring: laundry bag, zipper bag, jeans, button-up shirt, socks + tie shoes
Begin working on: Jug Band, Quartet, Freeze Frame, Hat, Dance, Cheer, Totem Pole
** Committees organize schedules Props
Begin working on camp site
12:30 Junior lunch; Senior recall
Low senior photos
1:00 Junior rest; Senior lunch

2:00 Captains meeting in the dining hall.
2:15 Team meetings: Select participants for Lakefront activities
2:40 Lakefront activities: all campers to the lake! Relays in canoes, paddle boards, paddle boats, rafts, wibit and more
4:30 General Swim: Everyone at the lake
5:00 Showers
6:00 Junior dinner (SILENT)
6:35 Line-up
6:45 Junior recall; Senior dinner (SILENT)
7:00 Committees continue working on projects

7:15 Team Meetings
7:45 Line-up at flagpole for tonight’s Evening Performance at the Outdoor Theater
Jug Band: Each team forms a band and performs a song with with instruments made out of found objects
Freeze Frame: The whole team participates in what we swear was the original mannequin challenge! Anyone who has gone to Timber Tops knows we did it first!
Props: Each team sends someone up to perform with props given to each person in the moment. It’s hilarious! 
Hat: Each team picks a group to work on a hat representing their team. Tonight they’ll present the hats!

9:00 Junior bed time
9:30 Junior lights out; Senior bed time


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