Big Sister/Little Sister Campfire

We are so excited about tonight’s big sister/little sister campfire, even if it’s indoors. The big/little sister Timber Tops tradition is one of our greatest, and we’re so excited that your girls are going to experience that tradition tonight. Here’s how it works:

First-time campers, regardless of age, are given a big sister. Campers who have been to CTT, regardless of age, are given a little sisters. In other words, in your time at Timber Tops, you have one big sister who remains the same throughout your years at camp. As an experienced camper, you have many little sisters during your years here.

During the first few days of camps, big sisters leave their little sisters little gifts, notes, and tokens. For example, your big sister might make your bed for you while you’re at breakfast! Your big sister might hide a bedtime note under your pillow before evening program! Your big sister could have her friends deliver a friendship bracelet to you at lunch! It’s so much fun to give and receive these anonymous gifts in the first few days of camp, and it’s even more fun to have big sisters reveal their identities at the Big/Little campfire!

And that brings us to tonight. While little sisters wait at the campfire, big sisters are given candles and make their way towards littles singing “make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.” Big sisters find their little sisters, together they make a wish for the summer, and together they blow out their candle.

During the summer, we plan Big/Little time so that big sisters can teach their little sisters songs, cheers, and other camp traditions. Our hope is that these friendships last long after camp is over.

The Big Sister/Little sister campfire is a beautiful tradition, so make sure to check out our online photos in your CampMinder account tomorrow!


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