Dancing, Spinning, #SockieCampaign!

Hi Parents!

Let’s get right to it! Here are some July 10th highlights and happenings from down the winding road:

Kelli Moshen did her last dance clinic with us of the session. We’ve loved having her here with us! We had more amazing visitors too: The Philadelphia Spinners!
This professional ultimate frisbee team gave all those interested frisbee lessons in clinics all day. (Hey, you might want to go out and invest in a frisbee for when these girls arrive back at home!) Other big events today have included a dance competition, a four-camp lacrosse tournament (which we won! Take that, Canadensis, Pine Forest, and NJY), and a special big sister/little sister rest hour gathering, complete with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Speaking of delicious, our outdoor, wood-burning pizza oven has been firing off bunk pizza parties all week. You think you know where to get the best pizza? No way! It’s right here down the winding road! Dessert? S’mores at tonight’s campfire, of course. It’s a Friday night tradition!

Most importantly, at lineup this morning, Faye Berry, one of our campers, told the camp about her Bat Mitzvah project which is involvement in the Ronald MacDonald House’s #SockieCampaign. Faye and her bunkmates wore red and white #sockie socks to lineup to raise awareness and help explain the campaign. Faye will be our guest blogger tomorrow morning, so stay tuned. In the meantime, check out the #sockie campaign!

See you tomorrow morning for a special edition of Timber Talk!


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