It’s another beautiful day down the winding road at Camp Timber Tops!
Despite some thundering in the distance, the weather held (YES!) and we were able to have a normal (read EXTRAORDINARY) day at camp. We enjoyed regular and blueberry pancakes for breakfast and then headed off to enjoy activities. We also welcomed Explorer campers! Our first Explorer weekend is here! Explorers visit camp for 24 hours to get the feel of what a day and night in the life of a Timber Tops girl is all about. They spend time with a junior bunk, participate in activities, and even get to do evening program with camp.
And tonight is a particularly special evening program…CABARET! Our 8th graders choose a theme early in the summer and coordinate auditions for talent, special decorations, super special cabaret food and finally the evening cabaret itself! It’s kind of like a talent show but the best, most magical, most fabulous, most highly anticipated talent show you’ve ever seen or heard of in your entire life. Don’t believe us? Just ask your camper! Oh, what’s this year’s theme, you ask? Well we can’t tell you yet, of course! It’s TOP SECRET until tonight!
But wait! There’s something else for your viewing pleasure. Have you seen our WEEK TWO video? It’s here! Posted on Facebook, Campminder, and here on YouTube, we hope you’ll enjoy a recap of our second week at camp. Tomorrow we’ll be in week THREE! Where does the time go?
Have a good night, friends and followers! We know we will!