It was a great day at camp today. First, LATE SLEEP! It was POURING by night and still by early morning, and there’s just something about rain on the roof of the bunks at camp that makes us sleep extra long and extra well. That pitter patter on the rooftop is a sound you remember long after you leave camp. Anyway, this morning we slept late, and it was awesome.

Also this morning, our juniors spent time practicing for tonight’s LIP SYNC! LIP SYNC is the talk of the town today at camp, and it’s often a highlight of the summer. We don’t repeat evening programs at camp, but we do lip sync in both the first and the second half of the summer because it’s just soooo fun! Check out first session Junior Lip Sync on our Vimeo channel!

While juniors practiced for their lip sync, seniors spent the rainy morning making dream catchers and writing letters to a group of amazing children who will arrive at Timber Tops after we leave in August. These children come down the winding road as part of The Ronald McDonald Camp for children with cancer and their siblings. Ronald McDonald Camp has been held at CTT for close to 15 years, and we are proud to welcome them each year. We hope they enjoy their small token for our seniors.

Speaking of seniors, tomorrow morning our 9th and 10th graders head out into the world! More on that tomorrow. But tonight? Rain or shine, the show must go on! We can’t wait.

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