Maui, Explorers, Cabaret, + an Olympic Fakeout!

Hello, parents! It’s been a busy weekend in Greeley, but we have a few highlights in particular we’d like to share with you. Before we do, you should know that despite periods of rain, we’ve managed to have a normal schedule here at camp! Rain has been coming and going, yes, but it’s mostly been while we’re eating or sleeping. Not too bad! We will say that it’s nice to see the sun this afternoon. We hope she stays a while!

This weekend we had a few exciting happenings, most notably:

  1. Our 11th graders returned from Maui yesterday!
  2. We held our first Explorer weekend of the summer!
  3. There was an Olympic fakeout!
  4. Cabaret is tonight!

Here’s the rundown!

  1. Return from Maui!

You’ve probably heard by now that our 11th graders traveled to Hawaii to give back and have fun while at it. Historically, our 11th graders, as part of the 11th grader Leadership Program with Pine Forest and Lake Owego, travel to Costa Rica to think-up and execute a day camp for local at-risk youth. They share their love of camp with those who’ve never experienced anything like it! While away, they also experience all that their beautiful and exotic surroundings have to offer. Camp partners with Rustic Pathways, a world-leader in youth travel and community service programs, to make this great adventure a success. This year, in Hawaii (because of the Zika Virus), our campers held the first-ever camp of its kind in Maui. Every day of their camp, the number of campers grew exponentially. We give our 11th graders so much credit for not only building a fun-filled, care-free camp for locals, but also for developing our camp’s relationship with locals and representing Greeley so well in Maui. In addition to working at their own camp, our campers zip-lined, snorkled, hiked, catamaraned, and more. Campers also did meaningful work on a local Taro farm which holds huge cultural significance to Islanders and brought them closer to each other and to the community of Maui. We are so excited to welcome our 11th graders back to Greeley. They are stronger, they are wiser, they are more empathetic; they’ll make great counselors someday! During this next part of camp, our 11th graders will develop internships here at CTT, and then, in the second half of the summer, begin college visiting and SAT prep for those interested! What a great adventure near and far!


          2. Explorers!

Was your camper an Explorer? This weekend we held our first Explorer overnight of the summer where we invite prospective CTT campers to visit for 24 hours and experience life at camp first-hand. An overnight! It is AWESOME! Our Explorers swam and jumped and danced and zipped and sang and s’mored their way around Timber Tops. And they loved it! In fact, many of our Explorers already registered for CTT 2017! We can’t wait to welcome them officially! If you or someone you know is interested in an Explorer or Play Day. Take a look, and register here!


          3. Olympic Fakeout!

What is Olympics? And what is a fakeout? Exactly. Olympics is our first-session CTT “color war” experience. Camp is split into 4 teams (always the same colors: red, yellow, green, blue; always different countries and themes), and we compete for 2 full days in events ranging from swim meets to relays to dance competitions and more. No one knows when Olympics will be, and we “break out” Olympics when no one expects it. How will it “break out?” When will be be? Only time will tell! But this morning, instead of regular wakeup, cars drove through camp with streamers and banners and campers ran, ran, ran as fast as they could to the upper field where…Nope, there was nothin’. FAKEOUT! Just a dramatic wakeup! Not Olympics! But you know what this means, moms and dads and especially excitable aunts and uncles? STAY TUNED, because Olympics will be here before you know it, and we cannot WAIT! You think we’re spirited normally? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.


           4. Cabaret!

During the first-session at CTT, 8th graders plan and produce a CABARET! They break into committees, they pick a top-secret theme, they hold auditions, they decorate for weeks, they order special snacks and then it all comes together in a fabulous evening Cabaret at CTT where campers perform for the entire camp in a beautiful, themed, extra-special talent show! And guess what? IT’S TONIGHT! Our 8th graders have been working so hard, and we can’t wait to see the fruits of their labor! We have to say…It’s a GREAT theme this year! Just you wait!


Okay, folks! That’s all for now! Tune in tomorrow for our Monday edition of what we’re sure is the happiest news source you’ll read all summer. CTT IS THE BEST!


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