Olympics 2015! The 411!

It’s blog time again, and so much has happened since you last tuned in!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you know that OLYMPICS BROKE OUT on Saturday night! This year our theme is “GLOBAL GAMES” and represents games around the world!

Teams are:

Tour de France- YELLOW FRANCE, America’s Cup- RED USA, Highland Games- BLUE SCOTTLAND, Winter Olympics- GREEN SOUTH KOREA

How did it happen? Well, that was the crazy part. Ordinarily, Olympics breaks out either first thing in the morning, after evening program, or sometime between those hours. Not this year! It was really a surprise, the best kept secret in years! Juniors were at the lake and seniors were at the pool when horns blew, sirens went off, and 4 cyclists in Olympic colors biked by. EVERYONE thought it was a fake out. After all, Olympics can’t break during general swim…Until it does! Head staff members with ropes (waited until everyone had come in from the lake and the pool and then) slowly led senior camp down the hill and junior camp up the hill until the whole camp met in the center road. It was amazing to watch the juniors see the seniors and the seniors see the juniors and realize that this might just be the real deal! Together, as one, the entire camp walked down the winding road to the white house on the edge of route 6 (where some of our specialist counselors live). Along the winding road they were met with characters acting out different athletic events, including a sail boat floating along in Mitchell’s Creek! When the entire camp got to the white house, they saw that the whole side of the house had been made to look like a mountain range, and “snow” was falling from the top of the house. Our key staff then performed HILARIOUS skits to introduce each team. Captains were read, teams were assigned, and the rest is history!

Tonight we end Olympics with our closing ceremony of each team’s song, cheer, and banner presentation, but we thought you might like to know what we’ve been up to!

Here it is! OLYMPICS 2015!


7:45     Olympic wake-up

8:10     Junior Breakfast/Senior Clean-Up

8:40     Line-Up

8:50     Senior Breakfast/Junior Clean-Up

9:30     Team captains meet

9:45     Team Meetings

10:15     Track Meet **** (see below for our wacky track meet details!)

11:15               Individual Activities


Tennis Doubles (upper courts)


Egg Toss (upper field)

Softball Throw (upper field)

Mile Run (upper field)

Tug of War (upper field)

3 Legged Race (upper field)

Suitcase Relay (upper field)

Monkey (upper field)

12:30               LUNCH (Juniors)

1:00                 LUNCH (Seniors)

2:00                 Team Meetings

Organize banner, cheers, and song

2:45                 Waterfront Competition at Lake Selma

4:30     Showers


5:50 – Juniors

6:20 – Line-Up

6:30 – Seniors

7:00     Team Meetings

7:30     Evening festivities: LIP SYNC, PAPER BAG DRAMATICS, AND STAND UP COMEDY ACT (the “um” game)

9:30     Return to bunks for your beauty sleep!


7:45     PARTY Wake up

8:10     Junior Breakfast/Senior Clean-Up

8:40     Line-Up

8:50     Senior Breakfast/Junior Clean-Up

9:15     Team captains meet with the Event Staff

9:30     Team Meetings

Organize team competition

Sr. softball, Sr. basketball, Sr. field hockey, Jr./Sr. Soccer

Jr. newcomb , Jr. kickball, Jr. Gaga

10:00 Team Competitions

Softball (upper field), basketball (basketball court) GaGa (Gaga courts)

Kickball (lower field), newcombe (lower court), soccer (upper field), field hockey (upper field)

  1. Red vs Yellow
  2. Green vs Blue
  3. Winners
  4. Consolation game

11:30   Team Meetings

12:10   Campus Clean Up

LUNCH –   (12:30 Juniors/ 1:00 Seniors)

2:00     Team Meetings

2:30     Swim Meet

4:00     Dodgeball

4:30     Showers


5:30 – Juniors

6:00 – Line-Up

6:10 – Seniors

6:40 Team practice – final preparation

7:30 Evening competition/closing ceremonies: song, cheer and banner

WHO WILL WIN IT ALL?! Stay tuned!



By popular demand, here’s our CTT Olympic Wacky Track Meet! (Alumni, we hope this brings back happy memories of Greeley!)



1____________________ starts at the flagpole and runs to the basketball court on the road and passes the bandana to 2____________________ who takes a basketball and makes two foul shots then runs to the tennis courts and passes to 3____________________ who serves 3 balls in and passes to 4____________________ who runs to upper field softball diamond and passes to 5_________________(Jr.)___ who does dizzy-lizzy 10 times and runs to the start of the obstacle course on the upper field and passes to 6_____________(Jr.)_______ who runs through hula hoops and passes to 7____________________ who runs over hurdles and passes to 8____________________ who runs a lap and passes to 9___________________ who runs to gymnastics pavilion and passes to 10____________________ who walks across beam, goes over horse, over low bar and passes to 11____________________ who runs to adventure course and passes to 12_____________(Jr.)_______ who climbs the net, grabs the bandana, climbs down and passes to 13____________________ who runs to the dining hall and recites a poem already memorized and passes to 14________________(Jr.)____ who runs to kitchen window, makes a Jelly sandwich and feeds it to 15_______________(Jr.)___ who passes to 16____________________ who runs to dumpster and unrolls a roll of toilet paper into dumpster and passes to 17_________________(Jr.)___ who kicks a kickball to infirmary and passes to 18_______________(Jr.)_____ who hops to bunk Oak with the kickball between her legs and passes to 19____________________ who makes a bed (2 sheets, 2 blankets, 1 jelly-roll, 1 pillow and case) and passes to 20____________________ who runs to Lake Selma and passes to 21____________(Jr.)________ who dresses 20 with pants, shirt, socks, shoes, all zipped, buttoned and tied and passes to 22_______________(Jr.)_____ who removes clothes from 20 and takes them to kickball area and passes to 23____________________ who runs sidestep around bases and passes to 24____________________ who hits a softball out of the infield, retrieves it, brings it back to home plate and passes to 25____________________ who runs to boats with a tennis ball under each elbow and passes to 26____________________ who canoes around float and passes to 27____________________ who starts on shore and swims to float and back and passes to 28__________________ who runs from lake to bunk Oak and passes to 29____________(Jr.)______ who eats 10 marshmallows and passes to 30____________________ who runs from Oak to Hi Senior Teen Canteen and colors a picture of a house, tree, and car and passes to 31________________(Jr.)____ who walks with hands around ankles to the Lily Lane sign in front of the Infirmary and passes to 32____________________ who runs to fitness pavilion on the road and passes to 33_________________(Jr.)___ who does 5 forward rolls and runs to upper field and passes to 34____________________ who crab walks around cone and back passes to 35, 36________________(Jr.)____ who wheelbarrow around cone and pass to 37____________________ who runs to basketball court and dribbles ball across court, makes a lay-up and passes to 38____________________ who runs to lower volleyball court on the road and passes to 39____________________ who serves 5 balls over the net an in bounds, retrieves all 5 back to shed and passes to 40____________________ who takes tennis ball on racket and runs to Oak and passes to 41____________________ who runs to Ted’s cabin and yells the secret Olympic track meet saying and passes to 42_______________(Jr.)_____ who runs into dining hall and copies a postcard and puts it in the mailbox and passes to 43____________________ who runs to Grove steps and ties knots three times (ties one, then unties it – square knots) and passes to 44,45____________________ who carry 46_______________(Jr.)_____ in a blanket to the flagpole. 46 must touch the bandana to the flagpole.

It’s pretty fun here at camp!

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