As you may have seen on the late-night Facebook post, the theme of this year’s Olympic Games is: “This Is Our Time (Influential Women, Past and Present): Olympics 2018!” Teams are BLUE, FRANCE, MARIE CURIE 💙 GREEN, PAKISTAN, MALALA
Last night, after what was an amazing cabaret, the girls were surprised and amazed when music started playing and head staff began leading the camp up Lily Lane. It was clear that this time it was the real thing: OLYMPIC BREAKOUT! There were four stops, four tableaus, along the way, depicting each team, and when the girls reached the stage which was meant to look like a museum on the upper field, the script when as follows:
“Welcome to the Opening of ‘This Is Our Time,’ an exhibit of influential women, past and present, here at the Timber Tops Museum of History. This installation recognizes extraordinary women, trailblazers of art, science, education, and human rights.”
“To hear more press 1!”
Blue Banner was then revealed…
“Blue France Marie Curie. Marie Curie was a French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person to win two Noble Prizes, and the only person in history to win a Nobel Prizes in two different sciences. In other ‘firsts,’ Marie Curie was the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris. A scientist, a scholar, a true pioneer, Marie Curie’s legacy will live on for generations to come.”
Go Blue!
A Marie Curie is performed (A science experiment on stage! A few famous words of wisdom shared)!
Next, the Green Banner is revealed…
“Green, Pakistan, Malala. Malala is a 20-year-old Pakistani activist, leading the international fight for girls’ education. During her teenage years, Malala travelled all over the world on her Girl Power Trip. She was on a mission to meet girls and listen to their stories. Everywhere she went, Malala heard about too may barriers to education for girls and women. She brought their messages and concerns directly to world leaders — she held meetings with presidents and prime ministers urging them to invest in girls’ education. She is the youngest Nobel Prize recipient in history. Malala’s human rights advocacy has grown into an international movement, and in championing education for girls, is a true hero of this generation. “
Go Green
Malala skit is performed where Malala speaks to a group of girls and inspires the crowd.
The Yellow Banner is revealed…
“Yellow, Mexico, Frida Kahlo. Frida Kahlo was a Mexican artist who painted works inspired by the nature and culture of Mexico. Frida fused elements of surrealism, fantasy and folklore into powerful narratives through self-portraits. In contrast to the 20th-century trend toward abstract art, her work was unapologetic and represented her unique and individualistic viewpoint. Frida’s art explored self-identity, gender, and race in Mexican society, and she will always be remembered for her fearless, honest voice through her art.”
Go Yellow
The Yellow skit is performed with Frida painting, the crowd goes wild.
The Red Banner is revealed…
“Red, Wales, Emmeline Pankhurst. The original British suffragette, Emmeline Pankhurst was a British political activist and leader of the British suffragette movement. This year, 2018, marks 100 years since the Representation of the People Act was passed in Britain, giving (some) women the right to vote. Time Magazine named Pankhurst as one of the Most Important People of the 20th Century, stating “she shaped an idea of women for our time; she shook society into a new pattern from which there could be no going back.” Emmeline Pankhurst will be remembered for her persistence, tenacity, and commitment to the advancement of women by demanding their critical right and duty to vote.”
Go Red!
Red Skit is performed, “Emmeline” gives an inspirational plea for the right to vote. Timber Tops girls, whom have been given voters rights signs, erupt in cheer!
Finally, the narrator announces:
“This Is Our Time” is the theme of tonight’s exhibit and of these Olympic Games. It is our time, it is your time, at Camp Timber Tops, in these Olympic Games, always. Girls, you have the power and responsibility to change your world, in big ways and small ones, for the better. Like so many strong and remarkable women who have come before you, we hope you’ll always say, ‘I are brave, I am free, I am who I’m meant to be. This is me.’ Each of you is unique and remarkable, and these games celebrate what makes women and girls and individuals with passion and vision so strong and extraordinary. We look forward to watching you build each other up and compete with confidence, sportsmanship, tenacity, and love for camp and for each other. Welcome to Olympics 2018: “This Is Our Time!”
And here’s the schedule of today! This morning we participate in the track meet ( at times, it’s ridiculous, at times it looks like a regular ol’) track meet. This almost identical track meet has been happening at CTT as long as any of us can remember! Then, campers compete in individual events (listed below), and this afternoon it’s lakefront events and the biathlon (you read that right)! Meanwhile, remember, some campers have chosen to forgo regularly scheduled olympics to join the banner committee, creating a banner for each time, a song committee, writing a song for each time, and more! Tonight, it’s junior Olympic Lip Sync (each time has a competing Lip Sync team), Paperbag Dramatics (a drama game!) and the UM Game. Ask your camper all about it!
Here’s today’s schedule, folks! Enjoy! Never a dull moment at CTT!
7:45 Olympic wake-up by Alder
8:10 Junior Breakfast/Senior Clean-Up
8:40 Line -Up
8:50 Senior Breakfast/Junior Clean-Up
9:10 Team captains meet with the Head Staff at the Dining Hall
9:30 Team Meetings
10:00 Track Meet (Most of it is wacky – think letter writing, eating crackers and whistling, unrolling toilet paper, making a bed, crab walking, carrying a tiny junior in a blanket to the flagpole– some more traditional legs too! Everyone participates!)
11:00 Individual Activities
Tennis Doubles (upper courts)
Egg Toss (upper field)
Softball Throw (upper field)
Mile Run (upper field)
Tug of War (upper field)
3 Legged Race (upper field)
Suitcase Relay (upper field)
Monkey (upper field)
Football Game (upper Field)
12:30 LUNCH (Juniors)
1:00 LUNCH (Seniors)
2:00 Team Meetings
Organize banner, cheers, and song. Select waterfront activity participants.
2:30 Waterfront Competition at Lake Selma all committees to Lake
4:00 General Swim – Biathlon ALL TO THE LAKE
4:30 Showers
5:50 – Juniors
6:20 – Line-Up –
6:30 – Seniors
7:00 Team Meetings
7:30 Evening Performances (Team Lip Syncs, Paperbag Dramatics, The Um Game)