Wow, we’re back as one camp after an exhilarating two days of Olympics at CTT. After last night’s song, cheer, and banner events, the BLUE TEAM was announced as the ultimate victors. Congratulations, Blue Team! The night was filled with so many mixed emotions. Yes, our Olympic Days are all about good ol’ fashioned teamwork, spirit and sportsmanship, and yes, they’re by nature competitive, but the closing ceremony of Olympics represents the start of final moments for our first session campers. Even for full season campers (the majority of the camp), it’s a reminder that summertime is slipping away before our eyes, that we have to stop and appreciate every moment. Not to get too sappy, but it’s also a reminder that childhood, too, is fleeting. Our oldest campers were relishing in their final moments of Olympic Days as campers, as children. There were many a tear shed last night.

This morning, we let our hi-senior campers sleep in extra late, and the entire camp enjoyed a relaxed day of SFA, Supervised Free Activity. SFA doesn’t mean we’re idle. In fact, for some, it’s among the most exciting days of the summer! SFA Day activities today included a dance competition at Pine Forest, a Top Cooks knish class, wasterskiing galore, the high zip line, and free reign of the rest of camp. It was a great day! On top of SFA activities, our senior and hi-senior campers visited Costa’s where they enjoyed go-carts, waterslides, mini-golf, ice cream and more. Tonight, 2-5th graders will enjoy the highly anticipated FOOD FACTOR games, while 6-11th graders will socialize with Lake Owego over games and snacks.

Did you notice we mentioned our 11th graders? They’re baaaaaaack! And they’re better than ever. It’s been awesome hearing just how amazing our CIT Costa Rica experience really was. In the next few days, as they process their adventure, they’ll sit down with our 10th graders to share all that they experienced. Though our 11th graders loved being out in the world, we LOVE that they’re home in Greeley.

OH, and today we did our second lice screening of the summer, administered by the professionals from Lice Be Gone of Short Hills, NJ. Your happy campers are and will remain lice free! We’ll do another check in a few weeks.

That’s all for tonight, folks! More tomorrow from down the winding road!

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