Hi Camp Families!
Yesterday’s blog mentioned one of our campers, Faye Berry, and her bat mitzvah project and involvement with the Ronald McDonald House. Yesterday at lineup, Faye and her bunk dressed in red and white “sockies,” to explain the Sockie Campaign project and raise awareness for the Ronald McDonald House. In addition to Faye’s bunk presenting their red and white “sockies,” they were joined by our youngest bunk, Bunk Oak. One our little Oaklings has stayed in the house as a sibling and benefited from some amazing programming and support. We have a number of meaningful connections to the house here at camp.
The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House supports families of seriously ill children by creating a community of comfort and hope. Their programs include two Ronald McDonald Houses, two Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, a Hospitality Kiosk at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, and a Ronald McDonald Camp which takes place at Camp Timber Tops every summer, after your campers head home!
Over 90% of funding comes from individuals and corporate donors, and the remaining 10% is provided by Ronald McDonald House Charities. While it costs the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House nearly $90 a night per family to provide housing and supportive services, families are only asked to contribute $15 per night. No one is ever turned away due to inability to pay.
Faye is guest blogging today to explain her project. Here’s Faye!
I am Faye Berry, and my bat-mitzvah project is to help the Ronald McDonald House in their #SockieCampaign. The #SockieCampaign is a fund-raiser to support and raise awareness for the house. It involves purchasing a pair of Ronald McDonald socks ($10) and taking a “sockie” (a selfie in these special socks). I wanted to include Timber Tops in my endeavor for two particular reasons. Firstly, Camp Timber Tops has a connection to the Ronald McDonald House, because they host a one-week camp for the children of families who are currently living in the house. Also, these amazing socks happen to be red and white, our camp colors! By participating in this project, Timber Tops girls can show camp spirit while helping support the Ronald McDonald House!
As a followup to yesterday’s morning lineup, and unprompted by staff, our oldest campers led Timber Tops in wearing ALL red and white to lineup to support the campaign, Faye, our Oakling and her family, and the Ronald McDonald House. Here’s a photo from this morning. What amazing girls we have here at Timber Tops.

In response to yesterday’s lineup explanation, and unprompted by us, the whole camp wore red and white for the #sockiecampaign