Are you getting excited? WE ARE! Here are only a few of many things to look for at Timber Tops this year!
1- THE POOL! It’s been fixed, refurbished, and it’ll be better than ever! That excuse that it’s too cold in there is just not gonna fly!
2- NEW GYMNASTICS! You think you know where the gymnastics pavilion is, huh? Wrong! It’s now in the Timber Dome, bigger and better than ever!
3- FITNESS CENTER! What’s in the gymnastics pavilion? Oh, you mean our new fitness center? The perfect spot for Muscles with Michelle, pre-season training, Fitness and Zumba classes? Exactly.
4- A WELCOME ROOM! Do you remember visiting Timber Tops for a tour and sitting in the dining hall amidst the chaos? Perhaps you perched on a picnic table? No more! Your little cousin’s neighbor’s friend will visit camp in style.
5- A RENOVATED DINING HALL BATHROOM! Must we say anything more?
6- NEW STAGE CURTAINS! They’re big, they’re bright, they rock the CTT logo. Bravo!
Speaking of curtains, they’re about to go up on our 52nd summer!