River Runners: An American Bald Eagle in Flight!

A River Runners Thrill: Seeing an American Bald Eagle in Flight.

It’s breathtaking!

In 1975, there was just a single pair of nesting bald eagles left in New York State.  Now, there are hundreds in NY and PA.  The return of the eagle to the Upper Delaware River area is one of the great success stories of the American environmental movement.  At the forefront of the return of the eagle population to PA/NY is The Delaware Highlands Conservancy.  Our campers will meet a representative of the Conservancy and with their help, watch for eagles in flight.


Eagle sighting map:

Did you know that it takes about 5 years for an eagle to grow their all-white feathers around their head? Or that their wingspan is about 6-7 feet, larger than any other bird of prey in this region?

When you see an eagle soaring above in its natural habitat, it is unforgettable! They look regal even at rest in the trees in winter.

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