
It’s among the most anticipated days of the year at CTT… That’s right, it’s CATURDAY! Happy Caturday to all who celebrate!

Today at CTT was another great one. We welcomed 15 play day campers, all of whom are excited about the possibility of joining us at Timber Tops next year for the real thing! We love when we have play day campers, so thanks to all those who joined us today and to all those who will join us next Saturday, too!

Though camp was buzzing with all kinds of great happenings and instruction, we’ll leave you with a few hot topics around camp today:

  1. It’s junior overnight time! 6th graders camped out last night, and 2nd-5th graders get their chance tonight! We love a good, old-fashioned overnight at CTT!
  2. Kona Ice! It was the perfect day for an all-camp general swim pool party and a delicious Kona Ice food truck visit as a special treat to end this beautiful day!
  3. Tonight is the Jellybean Campfire! Everyone has a jellybean (camp buddy), and everyone is a jellybean (camp buddy)! We love making new, special friends at camp.

And tomorrow, while our second session campers head out for a day at the movies, our full season campers will experience VISITING DAY! It’s our first since 2019, so though we may all be rusty, we’re ready for the BEST day together down the winding road. Parents: remember not to get to camp too early (we don’t let anyone in the gate until it starts) and wear sneakers, sunscreen and bug spray. Hey, maybe even a bathing suit and a racquet! Who knows where the day might take you!

SEE YOU TOMORROW, FULL SEASON FAMILIES! We’re so excited we could burst. OH, but leave the cats and other pets at home, pretty please!

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