Monday, Funday at CTT!

Howdy, folks! It’s another glorious day down the winding road and beyond! Late sleep this morning for the rest of us while our Timber Trekkers, our CAs, hit the water for two days of adventure! And we’ve got good news! As we write this, they’ve landed! They’ve completed the canoe portion of their trip, and they’ve set up camp for a night of cooking out and singing their hearts out under the starry sky. Tomorrow, it’s a hike at dawn on the Appalachian Trail to Sunfish Pond. Core memory activated. Way to go, girls! You’ve got this!

The rest of us enjoyed a day-o-fun, regularly scheduled activities, sibling visiting with Pine Forest and lots of Greeley Games! We swam in a swim meet, we played newcomb and lacrosse and soccer and flag football and volleyball and basketball, and even gymnastics! WOW! We’re exhausted! But we couldn’t be happier.

Tonight, it’s lake night for juniors and low seniors, and it’s a movie night/cookie bake for hi seniors.

And you may want to sleep with your shoes next to your beds…We hear rumblings of Pioneer Days just around the corner. In the meantime, we gotta go! It’s taco night & canteen! YUM!

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