No Sunday Scaries Here!

Good evening, folks!

It’s been another glorious day down the winding road! Well, we spoke too soon on yesterdays blog, unfortunately, and the thunderclouds rolled in soon after our post. It rained cats and dogs during dinner and continued thundering into the evening. During evening program we even had a (brief!) power outage, our first of the summer. But all’s well that ends well, and more notable than the power outage was Cabaret! The theme, as you can tell from CampMinder photos, was “CTT Beach Day!” Decorations were boardwalk and beach themed, and special snacks were too! Pink lemonade, fried oreos, “beach in a cup” (pudding cups with graham crackers, gummy sharks, and paper umbrellas), waffle fries, and shark-fin shaped cookies! And the acts were fab too. WHAT POWER OUTAGE?

Today our Explorers finished their weekend-o-fun, we enjoyed brother/sister visitation with Lake Owego, and all those interested watched the US win the World Cup! WHAT an amazing moment for so many here to witness. Just awesome! Otherwise, it was regular schedule! Just the way we like it!

Tonight, we have a junior talent night (to make room for all those who wanted to participate in the Cabaret), Lo-Senior Panic (FINALLY!), and a Hi-Senior movie and cookie bake.

Good thing many of us will be low keying it tonight and enjoying a late sleep tomorrow morning, since we hear rumors of Olympics breaking out any moment…Stay tuned, friends and followers!



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