Opening Day 2023!

FINALLY! We’re together, down the winding road, ready for the best summer EVER! It’s hard to describe, but there is so much joy, so much love, so much hope and excitement in the Greeley mountain air. Pinch us! We’re back! We’ve been waiting 10 months for this moment! Hey, some of us have been waiting an entire lifetime (we’re looking at you first-year campers)!

Welcome to SUMMER 2023, folks! Here on our daily blog you’ll find odds and ends and ruminations on all things CTT. So, it begins! Sit back, relax, and let’s get started!

The day started with parent drop-offs (and running and screaming and hugging) between 9-10AM followed by buses from MD, NY, PA, NJ, and Newark Airport (hello, Florida, Colorado, Arizona, California)! We’re happy to report that rain mostly held out through arrivals, and that all of us were at camp together by 1:30PM – just in time for a hearty camp pizza lunch! You should have heard the cheering and singing and pure elation in the dining hall. It’s like we never left! There have been sprinkles of rain throughout the day, but nothing we can’t handle. Hey, the sun has been shining throughout the day, too, and here at Timber Tops we like to see the glass as half full! It’s all good!

Today was filled with ice breakers, get-to-know-yous, divisional introductions of our awesome camp leaders, and, of course, health screenings and lice checks at the health center. Our seniors (7th through 11th graders) also participated in their first senior choice of the season!

Tonight for dinner we’ll enjoy some more singing and dancing and excitement with a side of chicken, veggie fried rice, fresh roasted cauliflower and rice noodles. Then, LINEUP! Our first lineup doesn’t quite have the OOMPH that future lineups will, because tonight, at the HIGHLY anticipated first-night staff show, we’ll learn the song and dance of the summer! Head staff will introduce the song of the summer and show off their dance moves, and by tomorrow, we’ll all be doing it! After head staff, each activity area will introduce themselves and their own special projects and trips and play for the summer! It’s extra fun getting to know our bunk counselors by seeing them perform on stage.

Now, ordinarily we’d post the daily blog around dinnertime as the final post of the day, but night one is extraordinary. Later this evening, we’ll post a special treat: a link on Facebook with the Song of the Summer announcement and a link to download and enjoy at home! Stay tuned!

You did it! We did it! It’s been a GREAT, full day in Greeley, and the magic has only just begun.


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