Hi Timber Tops Moms and Dads,
It’s NEVER too early to think PACKING!
Last weekend, we hosted our new camper events, and MANY parents were already thinking about packing lists. We’re not posting this blog in an attempt to scare you in to packing (YOU HAVE PLENTY OF TIME!), but we do want to stay ahead of the game. Feel free to bookmark and open again in a month or two!
Here are a few common packing questions with our answers. We’ll post more tips as we inch closer towards camp. HAPPY PACKING!
Do you have a COLOR WAR? Should we pack certain colors for those days?
Our camp colors are RED AND WHITE, but during our “Color Days” events (Olympics during the first half of camp and Pioneer Days during the second half of camp) campers are split into FOUR teams. Those four colors are: RED, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE. Pack your camper with one or two items of each color (it doesn’t have to be solid). That way, your daughter is prepared for membership to every team! Hey, maybe throw in some face paint in those colors or a cool bandana or two. The wackier the better. It’s camp after all!
Any articles of clothes that aren’t on the list that we should think to bring?
A few WHITE articles of clothing go a long way (can you say Tie-Dye?!), a funny hat or costume is always welcomed, and maybe a July 4th article of clothing or two!
Is my camper REALLY going to write to me? How can I help facilitate that?
Your campers are never too old for pre-addressed envelopes or postcards. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and best family friends are definitely not getting that letter you promised unless it’s over-the-top easy for your camper to send. (Pre-address envelopes home too. It’s one less step for your camper to take while she’s running to the mailbox on her way to tennis lessons!)
There’s SO much “camp stuff” out there. What’s worth buying for my daughter?
A crazy creek or something like it. They get lots of mileage during campfires, time hanging out on the porch, SFA (supervised free activity after dinner), and during evening programs when we’re gathered on the lawn in front of the dance pavilion (think “Name That Tune”).
What isn’t worth buying for my daughter before camp?
Don’t buy expensive clothes, jeans or bathing suits. Don’t pack seventeen throw pillows. Don’t pack anything you don’t want going in the laundry. Your daughter will be well-intentioned with the Woolite you sent for handwashing, but it’s just probably not going to happen. Also, we hope by now you know that we’re a down-to-earth place with down-to-earth girls. They don’t need anything “good.”
What fits under or next to a bed?
Long plastic storage containers. Get THESE. NOT THESE.
I’ve heard the term “shoe bag” thrown around. What’s that? What’s it used for?
A shoe bag is often used to hang up on the wall and store extra “stuff” in (think flashlight, hair brush, etc.). Here’s a photo of one. No, your daughter doesn’t need it. She may want it! It’s up to you!
Seriously, don’t MOST kids really sneak electronics?
No! They don’t! Our parents are rule-followers, and our kids follow their parents’ lead. At camp it isn’t “cool” to have electronics or phones. In fact, it’s “cool” to leave all that junk behind. We know you hear all kinds of information from friends with children at summer camp. Believe us when we tell you that Timber Tops girls appreciate tuning out. It’s just part of our camp culture.
Are you a returning parent? Do you have advice to share? Email, and we’ll share your tips!