Play Dates, Intercamps, Campfires and More!

We’re back to regularly scheduled programming around these parts, but there’s nothing regular about it! Mike’s aerobics class was bigger and better than ever, basketball clinics were shooting and scoring, and Arts & Crafts classes continued to weave, sew and tie-dye as usual! And the play! The Little Mermaid is coming soon to an outdoor theater near you!

But there were extraordinary happenings, too! We sent our laundry out again, our gymnasts competed in an intercamp tournament outside of camp (and TOTALLY rocked it!), soccer and basketball players of all ages competed in intercamp games as well, and our interested 2nd and 3rd graders left for a Gaga and newcomb play date with another neighboring camp! So many comings and goings today! And tuna melts, grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch. YUM!

Tonight there’s an all-camp campfire (a Friday night favorite), but our 4th graders will be having their own adventure! Do you know we have a ranch? We have a ranch! It’s amazing! Our 4th graders get to go there tonight to ride and enjoy their own campfire with our ranch counselors! So cool!

We hope your holiday weekend is a great one (we know ours sure is)!

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