Polar Bears, The Camper Scamper, Costa’s and So Much More!

As a surprise to no one, it was another GREAT and busy day at camp!

This morning, many of us began the day with a cool, 6:30AM dip in Lake Selma as part of THE POLAR BEAR CLUB! Our Polar Bears elected to wake up before the sun, jump into the lake, sing three songs, and run back to shore all for bragging rights, hot chocolate, cookies and, if they do it three days in a row, a Polar Bear Club t-shirt. We just think it’s amazing that the majority of our campers here opt to participate! SO many participated in the first half of the summer, the second half of the summer, or both!

Then, it was breakfast and our next happening: The Hughie and Selma Black Camper Scamper 5K! The Camper Scamper is a tradition, hosted by Pine Forest Camp, which includes PFC, LOC and CTT, all founded by Hughie and Selma Black! And we sent TWO BUSES packed with campers to race. Have we already said that Timber Tops girls are amazing in this post? Timber Tops girls are amazing! Some ran for bragging rights, others for fitness, hey some ran for the t-shirt (do you sense a theme?), but it was an awesome morning of spirit, fitness and fun. But aren’t they all!

And then Costa’s! That’s right, our juniors spent the morning at Costa’s! Our Seniors spent the afternoon! Why? Why not?! Ice cream, water slides, bumper boats, mini golf and so much more at our local family fun park was just what the doctor ordered.

All this amidst a continued regularly scheduled program made for a busy, happy day at camp (and just beyond)! To top it all off? Trips to Emily Island during general swim!

The fun never stops here at CTT!

Have a great night, folks!

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