It’s been a gorgeous day in Greeley. The birds are chirping, the sky is blue, and life at camp is abuzz with happy campers everywhere!
Most notably, today has been marked with excitement and anticipation surrounding the play! It’s Mary Poppins, for one night only, tonight at the Timber Theater! We cannot wait to see our summer sisters perform for the whole camp. They’ve been working hard all summer. After the play, the cast of Mary Poppins will enjoy a cast party! Reason enough to participate!
Equally as awesome was today’s horse show at Top Ranch. Our riders loved it! Though our CTT riding community is small, it’s a tight-knit group of girls who love and support one another all summer. We’re proud of you, girls! Speaking of proud, though we didn’t win, our 11 and under basketball team played with strength, sportsmanship and heart this morning against Pine Forest. Oh, and what makes us SO proud and awed? Remie, a junior camper and black belt, taught a self defense class to her peers during 4th period for those interested. It. Was. Amazing. She is amazing!
And this afternoon many of our campers will participate in our CTT 5k!
So much to do, so little time here at CTT! Tomorrow? Our first-session campers pack: say it ain’t so! Camp is flying by too quickly! We want to stay in Greeley all year!