What a day! We had a great day at Camp Timber Tops and Lake Owego Camp! That’s right, while the seniors are away, the juniors will PLAY! Today was SWITCH DAY! The boys came here in the morning to head to choice with our juniors and enjoy ALL THINGS CTT! They especially loved gymnastics and learning the camp dance. And this afternoon we went to LAKE OWEGO to join them in activities like the giant swing, mountain biking, fencing, fire building, and more! It was choice ALL DAY for EVERYONE! SO FUN!

A highlight for us was the coed CTT/LOC lunch in the dining hall. There was so much singing and cheering (okay and some yelling) as we fought for the title of most spirited camp! We had a lot to prove! In the end, we were all winners (and boy was it loud)!

Tonight after showers, Italian dinner, and canteen, we headed to junior village for PANIC! We’re sun kissed and glowing from a day of smiling widely all over Greeley. And there’s SO much more excitement to come tomorrow.

Okay, here’s the bad news. We’re experiencing technical difficulties uploading photos from today. We’ll hope to post them first thing tomorrow, and they’ll be worth the wait.

Goodnight from Greeley where Juniors RULE!

Pictured below “Panic Challenge: 2 things that rhyme!” These gals came as “Banana and Princess Diana!” Amazing!

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