It’s an extra special day, friends! And the reason we’re a little late posting (apologies)!
Why? To start, the CAs woke us and declared it CTT Spirit Day! At Camp Timber Tops, our oldest (traditional) campers are called CAs. They’re going into 10th grade, and they name themselves, using a tree name, the summer before their CA year. This year’s CAs are…Zelkova! They live in the CA Village together (built just three years ago), and they lead the entire camp in spirit, friendship, fun and, well, good ol’ fashioned camp wackiness. It’s not unusual for the CAs to wake up camp in the morning in a fun, spirited way, and in doing so announce a theme for the camp! It could be backwards day, CATurday, Orange Wednesday…The possibilities are endless. When you see your camper dressed up, there may or may not be a real reason! Who needs to wait for color war (called Olympics at CTT)! And so, today was CTT spirit Day! But there’s a reason it was spirit day and not Orange Wednesday (which only took some negotiating with the aforementioned CAs). Are you ready for this one? TODAY WE FILMED OUR NEW TIMBER TOPS VIDEO! If your daughter has always wanted to be a movie star, today was her lucky day. Timber Tops girls were doing their thing on the lakes, on the fields, under drones…It was wild! But the truth is, we don’t need an audience to Zumba our hearts our dance like no one is watching. It’s truly what every day looks like at CTT! And the film crew who came to camp declared us the most spirited, happiest group of kids they’d ever seen. Tell us something we don’t know! Anyway, after 8 years, we’re looking forward to a refresh, so stay tuned to a website near you.
There was so much happening today, on and off camera, but the the most exciting part of the day, the part of the day that’s been highly anticipated since the start of summer is (drum roll, please)…
SENIOR LIP SYNC IS TONIGHT! That’s right, folks! Tonight is Senior Lip Sync, and we are so excited we could burst! Juniors will take it all in tonight and promptly begin working on their own Lip Syncs for next week!
We’ve had a particularly great start to camp thanks to extra hard-working staff, so instead of a rest hour counselor meeting, we held a surprise staff ice cream party! CTT counselors are the best of the best! We don’t want to jinx it, but we think this could be our best staff ever.
Have a great night, folks!